Our CSQE class began last night.
Class 1 – Notes
We are using the Quality Council of Indiana’s CSQE Primer as the text for the class. This version of the text will be modified and re-released prior to December, 2008.
The first class is really more of a kick-off, but a couple points Gail made:
- When you see Spiral Method of development, think Risk
- When you see Object oriented, think Reusability
- Quality programs MUST have upper management support
- Audits are never used as an input for employee evaluation
We will be focusing on one chapter per week with the suggestion to read the chapter prior to the class.
Gail's Tip: For the second chapter (the first one is overview), don't spend a lot of time focusing on the various ISO standards. They are worth minimal points on the exam. Read and move on, you'll have them as reference material that you can bring to the exam.
The toll-free number for the ASQ is (800) 248-1946
Update 4/7/08 *** Note: Since Bruce is updating his flashcard list with class information, I probably won't be posting additional class notes.
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