Sunday, April 13, 2008

STUDY MATERIAL: Mnemosyne Import Files

As I create import files for Mnemosyne, I will post them here:


I discussed Mnemosyne in a previous post.

To import a question/answer file into Mnemosysne:

  • save the file on your PC
  • launch Mnemosyne
  • select File, Import
  • for file type select "Text with tab separated Q/A"
  • browse to the file you just saved
  • if you like, you can type in a category, such as CSQE
  • click OK
You will then be presented with this list of questions, which you will need to answer (in your head) and grade yourself. (Until you give a grade of 2 or higher for a question, you will be asked that question again.)

It's best to launch Mnemosyne every day and run through the questions it presents.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your blog is very helpful .... I Cannot Access these files ... please send it to me if you can i will appreciate it..